We’re here to make your tax preparation process as easy and efficient as possible! To ensure we have everything we need to file your taxes accurately, please gather the following essential documents before your appointment. Being prepared helps us maximize your refund and minimize any delays.
💪Valid photo ID (e.g., driver’s license or passport)
💪Social Security cards or ITINs for you, your spouse, and dependents
💪W-2 forms from all employers
💪1099 forms (e.g., 1099-NEC, 1099-MISC, 1099-K)
💪Previous year’s tax return (if you’re a new client)
💪Mortgage interest and property tax statement (Form 1098)
💪Childcare expenses and provider information
💪Direct deposit information (bank account and routing numbers)💪Health Insurance Marketplace Statement (Form 1095-A), if applicable